Volunteering for the WineCrew
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the festival. We are always looking for volunteers and encourage you to volunteer to help make the festival enjoyable for everyone. The main need for volunteers is for the front gate and work in shifts of two (2) hours. In return for your gracious efforts, you will receive a free t-shirt and free entrance to the event after your shift is over.
To apply to be a volunteer, please fill out the form below or print and fill out the PDF version of the Application and return to us at info@winebythelake.com.
$red = $_POST['red'];
$exe = $_POST['submit'];
if (!$exe)
// Form is being submitted
} else {
// Send Email Message to Webmaster
// Check CAPTCHA
$from = $_POST['eaddress'];
$from_header = "From: $from";
$to = "info@winebythelake.com";
$subject = "Volunteer Submission from WineByTheLake.com";
$body = "This is a volunteer request filled out on WineByTheLake.com"."\n"."\n"."\n";
$body .= "Email Address: ".$_POST['eaddress']."\n";
$body .= "Name: " .$_POST['name']."\n";
$body .= "Address: " .$_POST['address']."\n";
$body .= "City: ".$_POST['city']."\n";
$body .= "State: ".$_POST['state']."\n";
$body .= "Zip: ".$_POST['zip']."\n";
$body .= "Phone Number: ".$_POST['phone']."\n";
$body .= "Shirt Size: ".$_POST['shirt']."\n";
$body .= "Preferred Job: ".$_POST['evephone']."\n";
$body .= "About Themselves: ".$_POST['msg']."\n";
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/scripts/securimage/securimage.php';
$securimage = new Securimage();
if ($securimage->check($_POST['captcha_code']) == false) {
// the code was incorrect
// you should handle the error so that the form processor doesn't continue
// or you can use the following code if there is no validation or you do not know how
echo "
The security code entered was incorrect.
echo "Please go back and try again.";
/*if(($_SESSION['security_code'] == $_POST['security_code']) && (!empty($_SESSION['security_code'])) ) {*/
if (mail($to, $subject, $body, $from_header)) {
Volunteer request successfully sent!");
Thank You! We will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for having interest in volunteering at the Wine By The Lake Wine Festival.";
} else {
Message delivery failed...
Please try again or write us an email at info@winebythelake.com.");
/*} else {
echo "You did not provide the correct security code...
echo "
Click Here to try again.";
include("../includes/sponsors.php"); ?>